How Often Should You Have A CACI Facial?


In the search for age-defying beauty, the CACI Non-Surgical Face Lift stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking to turn back the hands of time without invasive procedures. However, to truly unlock the transformative potential of this innovative treatment, embarking on a comprehensive course of sessions is essential.

What Is A CACI Treatment?

Before delving into the importance of a course of treatments, it's crucial to understand the power of the CACI non-surgical face lift. This cutting-edge technology utilises micro-current to stimulate facial muscles, resulting in a firmer, lifted appearance. By harnessing the power of electrical impulses, CACI treatments can sculpt, tone, and rejuvenate the skin, targeting a range of “ageing” skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin.

The Importance Of Staying Consistent:

A single CACI session can definitely achieve noticeable results. However, the true magic lies in consistency. Just like any fitness regimen, achieving a long-lasting change requires dedication and perseverance. By committing to a course of treatments, our clients provide their skin with the opportunity to undergo progressive improvement. Each session builds upon the last, reinforcing the desired outcomes and maximising the overall effectiveness of the treatment.

One of the key benefits of undergoing multiple CACI sessions is the stimulation of collagen and elastin production. These vital proteins are responsible for maintaining the skin's elasticity, firmness, and youthful appearance. Over time, as collagen and elastin levels decline with age, the skin begins to lose its resilience, resulting in the formation of wrinkles and sagging. By consistently engaging in CACI treatments, clients can kickstart their body's natural collagen and elastin production processes, leading to firmer, more supple skin.

Furthermore, a course of CACI treatments allows for targeted treatments, addressing of specific skin concerns. Whether it's refining facial contours, reducing the appearance of crow's feet, or lifting sagging jowls, multiple sessions enable practitioners to tailor the treatment protocol to meet each client's unique needs. By strategically adjusting the intensity and focus of the microcurrents, CACI specialists can achieve customised results, ensuring that every individual achieves their desired aesthetic goals.

Maintenance & Prevention:

In addition to its corrective properties, regular CACI treatments serve as a powerful tool for long-term maintenance and prevention. Consistent CACI sessions can help prevent the formation of future wrinkles and fine lines, serving as a proactive measure against the effects of time and environmental stressors.

Save Money With A Course:

At Pure Emporium, our team of Expert Therapists are dedicated to achieving your desired results.

We offer 4 amazing CACI Treatments to help target your concerns. You can choose from:

  • CACI Non-Surgical Face Lift (from £74)

  • Super CACI Non-Surgical Face Lift (from £104.00)

  • Eye Revive & Lift (from 46.50)

  • Jowl Lift (from £40.50)

Our CACI treatments can be purchased individual and completed as a pay-as-you-go option.

Or, you can save money by purchasing your treatments as a course of 10.

When purchasing any of our CACI courses, you pay for 9 and get your 10th treatment FREE!

Are you ready to get started? - book your first appointment online now - click here.

Whether you're looking to turn back the clock or simply enhance your natural beauty, CACI offers a safe, effective, and a non-invasive solution that delivers stunning results. So, why wait?

Embark on your journey to radiant skin today and experience the transformative power of the CACI Non-Surgical Face Lift.

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Meg, Manager x