Why Supplement?

We all want different things in life, but one of things we all want is beautiful skin.


We are not all given the gift of ‘great skin’. But what does that term even mean?  What do you define ‘great skin’ to be? You may interpret that in a different way to someone else, but ‘great skin’ is however YOU want it to look and feel compared to how it is now.


What Causes Our Skin To Change?


Many things can change the way that our skin behaves, which all play a part in how it looks and feels.


Some of these factors happen inside the body, and there is nothing that we can do to stop it. For example, our hormone levels can become unbalanced which can change how oily or dry our skin is, as well as the plumpness of our skin.


Some of these factors are what we control outside of the body and are impacted by our lifestyle choices. Stress, diet, smoking, water consumption, alcohol, sleep, and sun exposure are all factors that can alter the way that our skin looks and feels. By making sensible choices, all in moderation, you can help to create healthier and more radiant looking skin.


What Else Can We Do To Help? SUPPLEMENTS!


You are probably wondering how else you can help your skin to look and feel better. This where supplements come in.


At Pure Emporium, we believe that supplementing is one of the best ways to create an effective change to the skin, as well as getting faster results than by products alone. Different supplements help treat different skin concerns. Whether you are suffering from dryness, breakouts, acne, sensitivity, dehydration, or wanting to tackle the signs of ageing, we are confident that supplementing with high quality supplements will help.


It’s vital to know to that healthy- and good-looking skin starts from the inside.


Let’s Look At The Science-y Bit…


Our skin is made up of 2 main layers. The epidermis the dermis.


Talking very basically, the epidermis is at the top, where we can see and touch, and underneath is the dermis at the bottom.


The skin cells are created and made in the dermis, over time they travel upwards, and become dead skin cells at the top of the epidermis, and the new cells underneath become the new dead skin cells (this is called cell turnover.)


When we apply creams topically, especially ones that contain Vitamin A – they are feeding the epidermis and making it healthier, so it looks and feels good. But the cells being created in the dermis are the same cells that we may have concerns with – e.g. dehydration, aging, etc.


BUT when we take supplements, we are feeding the cells at the dermis. The cells at the dermis become healthier, and as they move to the top surface, they are healthier, and look better, without the concerns!


Making sure we have a healthy base for the cells to regenerate healthily is the most vital part of making sure the skin looks and feel good on the outside. 


Let’s think of it another way:


I want you to think of building a house. Imagine the walls being the top of your skin, and the foundations being the lower layer of your skin. Sure, anyone can build walls on some land that you make a property look good, and feel good, but if you have not got good foundations for the walls to be sat on top of, they aren’t going to stay looking good for very long. The foundations for your house need to be solid for the walls to stay looking and feeling good.


Supplements feed the skin cells with what they need to be healthy.

Just like the foundations of a house compliments the structure of the building.


How Can You Get Healthier Skin By Taking Supplements?


We LOVE the Advanced Nutrition Programme Supplements – why? Because they specifically treat the skin.


All of their ethos is centered around creating skin change, with immense focus on the quality of the producing the products, the purity and potecy of the products, and the eco-friendly packaging. 


The Advanced Nutrition Programme is an award winning, premium range of innovative supplements formulated to support healthy skin and wellbeing, whilst also protecting our planet. It was founded in 2006 and was inspired by the ground-breaking research that demonstrates the benefits that vitamins and nutrients can have when feeding the skin from within. They pride themselves in their unique approach to supplementation, which is exemplified by the excellence and innovation in their four core pillars: Production, Purity, Potency and Packaging. We promise you will not find any supplements as amazing as these!


The benefits of supplementing are:

·         They will feed the skin from the inside-out

·         They will feed the skin over the whole body

·         Easy to maintain

·         Efficient and effective



What Supplements Will Suit My Skin Type?



Skin Accumax 

Skin Accumax is an award-winning, patented skin supplement

for problem skin, and it is recognized by thousands




·         Supports problem skin

·         Clarifies complexion

·         Supports skin health






Skin Omegas+

Skin Omegas+ containing fish oils and Vit A, are recommended

for overall skin health and hydration. They are highly

recommended for dry skin conditions.



·         Like an internal moisturizer for the skin

·         Gives skin a luminous glow

·         Nourishes dry skin all over the body

·         Supports skin health





Skin Ultimate

28-day supplement pack for skin aging and intensive

youthful radiance.


·         Helps support normal skin health

·         Promote skin radiance

·         Safeguards skin from external stressors

·         Supports thick, glossy hair

·         Supports uneven skin tone




Skin Vit C


Skin Vit C is the perfect skin vitamin C supplement for those

looking for a bright, even complexion.



·         Brightens dull-looking skin

·         Supports normal blood vessels

·         Protects cells from oxidative stress

·         Supports collagen formation



These are a small handful of supplements that we have available at Pure Emporium.

Advanced Nutrition Programme require a consultation to ensure that you are going to be taking the right supplements for you.




The easy way of carrying out a consultation from home. If you’d like to take a skincare consultation online, you can complete our online consultation form and we can get back in touch with you to give a bespoke prescription and advice moving forwards. Please feel free to click here to carry out our survey at home. We will be back in touch with you with your bespoke prescription within 4-5 working days.

Alternatively, send us an email right here: info@pureemporium.co.uk

Speak soon!

Megan, Pure Emporium x