How To Alter Your Skincare Regime For Autumn

It’s time to switch-up your skincare.

You will start to notice various changes in your skin as the seasons begin to change. And Autumn is definitely upon us.

From Summer to Autumn, the air loses it’s humidity and everything starts to feel more crisp. You alter your homes and start layering your clothes. And the same goes for your skin. After the warm Summer days, your skin is desperate for the extra TLC.

How Humidity Affects Your Skin:

The sudden lack of humidity can impact your skin a lot. Skin will suddenly feel a lot drier and conditions such as eczema and psoriasis tend to become much more irritated this time of year.

We recommend adding extra hydration into your skincare regime. As always, we recommend the 100% skincare approach.

Start by feeding your skin from the inside, using the Skin Omega supplements. These will nourish your skin over your whole body, as well as being the most efficient when it comes to targeting your skin’s cells.

Then, add the Super Moisturiser or the Hydrating Serum into your regime, to add your topical moisture boost. We recommend the Environ Skincare Products for this, due to the added Vitamin A, you will see so many beneficial changes in your skin.

And now for the staple… Your Moisturiser. This is essential. You need to be completing your skincare regime morning and night to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy. Using Environ’s Medical Grade AVST Moisturiser, will ensure that your skin is kept hydrated, soft and rejuvenated all year-round.

Start Autumn With A Skin Treatment:

Make Autumn the season of new beginnings.

After a Summer of holidays and maybe too much time spent in the sun, your skin can become irritated, showing signs of texture and perhaps even looking a little bit dull and lack-lustre.

Treat yourself with the best of the best when it comes to a Skin Treatment.

Book yourself in for a Full-Face Fractional Skin Resurfacing Treatment.


·       Improved Skin Texture

·       Treat congested skin

·       More Even Skin Tone

·       Treat Fine Lines and Wrinkles and Improve Deep / Static Wrinkles

·       Reduce Pore Size

·       Tighten the Skin


Fractional resurfacing is one of the most advanced resurfacing treatments to receive with much less downtime than more aggressive lasers. Multiple microscopic laser beams are flashed onto the skin’s surface, leaving the epidermis (top layer of the skin) unharmed, but causing damage to 20% of the dermal layer of the skin’s tissue (the lower layers of the skin.) The other 80% non-injured skin cells in the dermis then work repair the cells, triggering the skin’s healing response in the fibroblasts and in turn remodelling of the skin takes place. The skin starts the regeneration process, and large amounts of collagen are stimulated, and skin is regenerated. This will help improve the overall skin tone, texture, and elasticity of the skin. 


Within 2 weeks of your treatment, you will see improvements to how your skin looks, but the best results are seen 3-6 months post-treatment when the skin has fully regenerated and the collagen stores from the treatments will be at their highest.


Are you ready to get started?

Book your Laser Consultation online now - Click here.

*Your £55 consultation fee is fully redeemable against any laser courses purchased on the day.

We’re here to help you achieve your skin goals.

Speak soon.

Meg, Manager x

Amy CardPure Emporium