My Biggest Skincare Mistakes

Hi, I’m Meg. I’m the Manager of Pure Emporium Skin & Laser Clinic.

I’ve been in the Beauty Industry for 9 years now and I love it. I love all things skin and beauty.

Whilst being in the industry, I’ve learnt A LOT about skin and how to take care of it properly. Like many of us, I’ve definitely made some skincare mistakes…

Today, I’m going to share these with you to ensure you aren’t doing the same.

I’m here to help you achieve healthy, youthful and radiant skin.


Skincare Mistakes To Avoid:

Over-Touching Skin:

Without knowing it, we pick up a lot of bacteria on our hands throughout the day. If like me, you are someone that touches your face a lot, then you need to stop. Over-touching your skin with your hands can causes unwanted problems. Bacteria is able to harbour on your face, causing breakouts, blocked pores and irritated skin. Ensure that you are washing your hands thoroughly throughout the day, but still avoid touching your face.

Using A Scrub Exfoliant:

Your skin needs to be treated gently and with care. Using a harsh scrub as an exfoliant can scratch the surface of your skin and cause damage. We recommend using a Toner with Vitamin A to do the exfoliating for you. I use Environ’s Vita-Peptide Toner morning and night. This works perfectly and leaves my skin looking a feeling fresh and smooth.

Not Applying An SPF:

Right okay, this was my BIGGEST mistake. I never used to use an SPF. - Awful, I know!

You should be protecting your skin every single day, throughout the year. If you choose to not apply an SPF in the morning, you are allowing your skin to be exposed to harmful UV rays. These rays can cause sun-damage, they can irritate the skin and they can cause early signs of ageing. This is one skincare rule that I wish I knew earlier! Don’t make this mistake. Keep your skin protected. Everyday.

Using Out-Of-Date Skincare:

Yep, you’ve read that correct. I used to use expired products, all of the time! When I first started my skin journey, I never took notice of the expiry dates on the products, or the shelf-life once opened. If you’re not seeing results with your skincare, this could be why. As your skincare expires, the ingredients inside lose the potency and effectiveness. Also, your most-used products can build-up bacteria, meaning that you’re products that will more than likely irritate your skin, rather than help it.

Not Using The Correct Products:

Okay, now this was a big one. When first starting in the beauty industry, I was attracted to a lot of different skincare products. I never had a “staple” routine, and my skin got fed with whatever product I fancied using on the day. I’ve always been lucky with my skin, so fortunately, I didn’t have any reactions… But, I definitely didn’t see any of the positive changes I was trying to achieve with my skincare.

Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and it needs to be treated with care and with the correct products. You need a routine that you stick to and perform morning and night.

That’s where our skin experts can help.

Are you newbie when it comes to skincare? Or would you like some extra advice with products?

At Pure Emporium Skin & Laser Clinic, we have an amazing Skin Analysis Machine that allows us to look at your skin in great detail. Join us for a Skin Analysis Consultation and let one of our therapists do the work for you. They’ll create you your very own Personalised Skin Plan.

Click here to book your Consultation online now.

We’d love to help you!

Speak soon.

Meg, Manager x

Amy CardPure Emporium