Skincare Mistakes You May Be Making...

Skincare mistakes can be so common, and often, we may not even know we are doing them.

When it comes to looking after your skin, everyone’s routine can be sooooo different. But, some of these day-to-day choices might be doing a lot more harm than we think. In today’s blog, we are going to be talking you through some of the top skincare mistakes that are being made, and what you can do to fix them.


Let’s get into it…

Not Wearing SPF Everyday

By now, you should know that your skin needs protecting every single day. SPF will help to prevent sun damage and protect your skin from the harmful UV Rays. But, a common mistake is that we only need to wear SPF on those hot, bright and sunny days. THIS IS WRONG. You should be applying an SPF to your skin everyday, rain or shine.

UV Rays can cause fast ageing and can increase your chances of developing fine lines and wrinkles, as well as losing the elasticity and “plump” to your skin. Sun damage can cause those “dark spots” on your skin and also increase your risk of developing skin cancer.

Protect your skin - Wear your SPF daily.

Using Wipes to “Cleanse” Your Skin

For ease, a lot of people will reach for the wipes to remove makeup and to give the skin a “good” clean.

Unfortunately, makeup wipes are full of harsh and harmful chemicals – these not only sound dreadful but they will disrupt the pH balance of your skin as well as your acid mantle. Your acid mantle is a protective layer at the top of your skin that acts like a raincoat – keeping all of the nasty stuff out e.g., dirt, impurities, and seals in the moisture and natural oils that our skin needs to be healthy. The layer is extremely important for the health of your skin and is removed when you use wipes. Not only that, it also strips the skin of its natural oils meaning you are much more likely to have issues with hydration.

At Pure Emporium, for those client’s that do use wipes, we recommend switching these out for a flannel and cleanser that will be used AM and PM. When using a flannel to remove makeup and cleanse the skin, pleas ensure for each use, a separate flannel is used.

Using A Cotton Pillow Case To Sleep On

At Pure Emporium, we always recommend that client’s who are on a focussed skin journey, switch their cotton pillow cases to a lovely silk one. The reason for this is because cotton pillow cases generally can be quite tough on the skin and can cause unwanted trauma. As your face is pressed against the cotton pillow case, this can also increase your chances of developing lines and wrinkles and your collagen begins to break down.

A silk pillow case is much kinder and more gentle on the skin. They give your skin that “clean” feel and promote a softer appearance. As well as having amazing skin benefits, silk pillow cases are also great for your hair as they reduce friction and damage on the hair, decreasing your chance of developing split ends.


Not Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes

This is an important one. A tip that many of us (including me) may not be doing as often as we should be!

Makeup brushes harvest bacteria as they cling onto makeup and other things such as dead skin cells. Overtime, this can cause and spread infection on your skin. It can also clog your pores and increase breakouts.

You should be cleaning your makeup brushes and any other tools that you are using, thoroughly once a week AT LEAST.

Touching Your Face Throughout The Day

Without even realising, many of us touch are face throughout the day. Whether that’s resting our chin on our hands, itching, or just generally touching our face, it’s all causing more harm than we think.

Throughout the day, we touch many different things, in our jobs or even if we are out and about. Our hands pick up so much bacteria that we can’t even see, and without washing them 24/7, there’s always going to be something that can be spread on our skin.

Avoid touching your face throughout the day, this will stop the spread of any germs or bacteria on your hands.


Exfoliation is key when it comes to removing the build-up of dead skin cells. However, it is possible to exfoliate too much. With Environ, we believe in gentle exfoliation to keep the skin balanced and calm. The Vitamin A in the Environ toners will allow for a natural exfoliation and softening of the skin’s surface.

Harsh/over-exfoliation can cause damage to your skin’s surface, as well as damaging your skin’s natural moisture barrier.

Being Inconsistent

Consistency is key when it comes to reaching your skin goals. Everyone’s skin journey is different. However, we should all be looking after our skin every day, and completing our skin care routine morning and night.

At Pure Emporium, our amazing team of Skin Experts are here to make this easy for you. They will give you the advice you need and tell you exactly what products you should be using on your skin and how to use them.

Are you new to your skin journey? - book a skin consultation at Pure Emporium and find out everything you need to know when it comes to treat your skin.

Make a change now and start your skin journey today.

Click here to book a consultation.

At Pure Emporium, we are always here for you.

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Meg, Manager x

Amy CardPure Emporium