Why Should I Wear SPF?

When most people think about sunscreen, they picture sun-soaked beach days and hot summer afternoons. However, protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays is a vital step in any skincare routine, regardless of the season. The truth is, UV radiation can affect your skin every day, not just during the summer months. Here’s why SPF should be your year-round skincare companion.

Understanding UV:

UV radiation from the sun comes in two main types that affect the skin: UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin, contributing to premature aging and the development of wrinkles. UVB rays are primarily responsible for sunburn and play a significant role in developing skin cancer. Both types of rays are present every day, and UVA rays can even penetrate through windows and clouds, making protection essential regardless of the weather.

Why Your Daily SPF Is Important!

  1. Preventing Skin Cancer: The most critical reason to wear SPF daily is to protect against skin cancer. Skin cancer is one of the most common forms on cancer, and consistent use of sunscreen can significantly reduce your risk. Both UVA and UVB rays contribute to the development of skin cancer, making broad-spectrum protection a must.

  2. Slowing Down Ageing: Sun exposure is the number one cause of premature aging. Regular use of SPF helps prevent the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. By incorporating sunscreen into your daily routine, you can maintain a youthful appearance and healthy skin for longer.

  3. Preventing Pigmentation: Hyperpigmentation, such as dark spots and melasma, can be caused or worsened by sun exposure. Daily SPF application helps prevent these conditions from worsening and aids in maintaining an even skin tone.

  4. Reducing Sunburn Risk: While sunburn might seem like a summer-only concern, you can get sunburned any time of the year. Snow, for instance, reflects UV rays, increasing the risk of sunburn during winter. Applying SPF daily helps safeguard your skin from painful burns and long-term damage.

SPF Myths:

Myth 1: You don’t need SPF on a cloudy day!

Up to 80% of UV rays can penetrate clouds, meaning you can still get sunburned or suffer skin damage on overcast days. Daily SPF application ensures you're protected no matter the weather.

Myth 2: SPF in makeup is enough.

While many cosmetics contain SPF, they often don’t provide sufficient coverage. To ensure adequate protection, use a dedicated sunscreen with at least SPF 30 under your makeup.

Myth 3: Darker skin tones don’t need SPF.

People with darker skin tones are less likely to burn, but they are still at risk for skin cancer and photoaging. Sunscreen is essential for everyone, regardless of skin colour.

How To Choose The Right SPF For You:

When selecting a sunscreen, look for a broad-spectrum formula with at least SPF 30. Broad-spectrum sunscreens protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Additionally, consider your skin type: if you have oily skin, a matte finish sunscreen might be best; if you have dry skin, look for moisturising ingredients.

Our Pick:

Lynton’s Light Protect SPF 50 - Ultra-lightweight formulation that helps to protect your skin from UVA and UVB. This specialist product is also designed to protect and hydrate your skin. Remember, the best sunscreen is the one you’ll use consistently. So, find a product you love and make it a daily habit—your skin will thank you!


Start protecting your skin today!

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Meg, Manager x

Amy CardPure Emporium