My Current Skincare Routine - Spring/Summer Edition

Hi, I’m Megan. Manager of Pure Emporium Skin & Laser Clinic.


Client’s always ask me about my favourite treatment to do at Pure Emporium, and my answer is always facials!

I love creating transformations and helping to clear my client’s skin concerns.

Clear and healthy skin is always in. And nowadays, less is definitely more.

When your skin looks and feels healthy, your makeup will also look better. It applies flawless and often, it will last on the skin much longer.

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Amy CardPure Emporium
Let's Achieve Summer Ready Skin!

The night’s are lighter and the day’s are looking brighter…

With Summer just around the corner, we’re here to help you get that Summer Glow.

Fresh skin is always in. And at Pure Emporium, we’ve got the perfect treatment for you!

Introducing our April Treatment Of The Month…

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Amy CardPure Emporium
The Process Of Laser Tattoo Removal

Tattoos with regret. Most of us have done it.

It seemed like a good idea at the time, right?! And now, we’re left with a tattoo that we dislike the look of. For a while, it seemed like the only option was to cover it up, or get it in a place that could be hidden. BUT… now, we can help you.

With our Laser Machine, we can successfully remove your unwanted tattoos!

So, What CAN We Treat?

Nowadays, there are so many different types of tattoos, methods and techniques used. With our amazing Medical Grade Laser Machine, we can treat them all. The only difference with the types of tattoos being treated, is the number of sessions required.

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Amy CardPure Emporium
5 Habits For Healthy Skin

At Pure Emporium we are always here with the advice that you need to achieve your skin goals. From products, to intense treatments, we’ve got everything you need to completely transform your skin.


It’s not always down to us…

You need to make healthy and skin conscious choices when it comes to some of your lifestyle factors.

So… Here’s our 5 Top Tips when it comes to creating habits for Healthy Skin.

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Amy CardPure Emporium
A Face Lift In A Jar!


If you’re big into your skincare, like the rest of us at Pure Emporium, you’re going to LOVE this!

Environ’s Revival Masque…

This AMAZING product is more commonly known as… “The Facelift in a Jar!”


It’s pretty obvious… this face masque will help to achieve tighter and firmer skin, giving your face a '“lifted” and more youthful appearance.

It’s no secret that this is one of our most popular products at Pure Emporium.

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Amy CardPure Emporium
How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?


Have you got a tattoo that you’d like to say goodbye to? or maybe semi-permanent eyebrows that you’d like removed?

At Pure Emporium, we’re here for you - always!

With our Medical-Grade Lynton Laser Machine, we’ve got the technology to get rid of any unwanted tattoos!

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Amy CardPure Emporium
Mother's Day Offer - The Perfect Gift

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, at Pure Emporium, we’re here to help you.

Sometimes, it can be hard to show our loved ones just how much we appreciate them. So, this year, we’ve put together an exclusive treatment to make your loved one feel super special.

This exclusive offer can be booked online as a treatment, or purchased as a voucher, which will be valid until 31st May 2023.

So, let’s take a look…

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Amy CardPure Emporium
Treating Acne With IPL

Do you suffer with acne, general breakouts or problematic skin?

If you’ve answered yes - we’re here for you!

Over the years, we’ve seen many clients who find it difficult when it comes to treating their breakout-prone skin. We’ve also seen many incredible transformations.

Keep on reading and see how we can help you…

Treating acne with our amazing Medical Grade Laser Machine has been ground-breaking and for many clients, it’s been life changing!

Using our Lynton Laser Machine, we can treat acne with IPL (intense pulsed light).

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Amy CardPure Emporium
Our Top Tips For Laser Hair Removal

Are you ready to ditch the razor?

Most of us have unwanted hair in areas that we wish we could banish, long-term.

WELL… Now we can!

With IPL Hair Removal, we can say goodbye to unwanted hair in as little as 6 sessions!

By now, I’m sure you’re aware that we have an amazing Medical-Grade Laser Machine. A machine that can provide transformational results regarding skin concerns and hair removal.

So, what are you waiting for? Book your Laser Consultation now and achieve the results you’ve been waiting for.

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Amy CardPure Emporium
The Importance Of A Laser Consultation

At Pure Emporium, we offer a variety of Laser and IPL treatments. Our Incredible Medical Grade Laser Machine offers a wide variety of treatments to target your concerns. This machine is also used in NHS Hospitals and Private clinics across the UK.

  • IPL Hair Removal

  • IPL On-The-Spot Skin Treatments

  • illumiFacials

  • Fractional Skin Resurfacing

  • and more coming very soon!

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Amy CardPure Emporium
Exclusive February Deals

Hello February.

The month of L-O-V-E.

After a long January, it’s time to kickstart a new month, feeling fresh and ready.

That’s where we step in…

At Pure Emporium, we love to treat you.

So, we’ve put together 2 Exclusive Treatment Deals, for you to enjoy in February.

Treat yourself or a loved one this month. Perhaps make it a duo treatment and enjoy some time-together whilst being pampered.

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Amy CardPure Emporium
Proven Health Benefits of Regular Massage

Massage. Something that most of us, don’t treat ourselves to enough.

Massages are so beneficial for your body, health and well-being. Without even knowing, you’re promoting so many different health benefits. All whilst treating yourself to some relaxation.

At Pure Emporium, we offer different types of massage.

  • Swedish Massage

  • Hot Stone Massage

  • Aromatherapy Massage

  • Indian Head Massage

First, let’s look at the individual benefits of each different massage…

Swedish Massage -

The best known type of body work. Exceptionally beneficial to fully relax the massaged areas, decrease muscle toxins, improve circulation and flexibility, whilst easing tension. The pressure of a Swedish Massage can vary. This is a massage that is completely tailored to you.

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Amy CardPure Emporium
Our Favourite Skin Care Products - UNDER £50!

Your skin is an investment.

It takes patience, care and an adequate routine to ensure that it is kept healthy and happy.

Are you carrying out a skincare regime morning and night? - If you’ve answered no… you need to make this change now.

If you have any concerns with your skin and are trying to improve your skin’s health, you NEED to be looking after your skin, morning and night. Facials and products are the most effective way to create positive changes to your skin. 20% of these changes are from your Clinic Facials, and the other 80% are from your Skincare Regime at home.

- now you can see why we rave about skincare so much, right?!

We know that your skin can be an investment regarding cost, as well as the time that you’re putting in to looking after your skin. So, the team at Pure Emporium, want to share some of their FAVOURITE products that can improve your Skin’s Health, as well as being reasonably priced.

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Amy CardPure Emporium
New Year Resolutions For Your Skin

2023 is here. After a busy festive period spent with friends and family, it’s time we start focussing on ourselves. With days of socialising, overindulging and perhaps a few late nights, our skin is definitely in need of a little TLC.

At Pure Emporium, we love all things skin. So we’ve put together some resolutions that you can set regarding your skin. Some are super simple, but can make HUGE changes.

Let’s make 2023 the year of happy and healthy skin.

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Amy CardPure Emporium
Let's Reset in January 2023

Our January 2023 Treatment Deals are here.

After a manic Christmas Period, we want to treat you to the time-out you deserve. And let’s face it… with the kids going back to school, it’s the best time to focus on some self-care.

2023 at Pure Emporium is all about happiness and health, so we’re starting the year off with 2 Exclusive Treatment Packages that are perfect for you.

Let’s look at them…

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Amy CardPure Emporium
The Importance Of Vitamin C

Vitamin C.

When it comes to skincare, Vitamin C is legendary. It is essential when it comes to all things skin, and also an incredible antioxidant. Vitamin C can promote so many different things. It’s an anti-inflammatory nutrient and can help to improve skin tone and texture, hydration levels and also reduce signs of ageing.

Our bodies cannot store Vitamin C, so it’s important that we take it orally to ensure we are getting the correct levels that our bodies need. As nutrients for our bodies go, Vitamin C is very important one. It’s involved in everything, from our immunity protection, to our bodies stress response.

If you’re ready to find out how Vitamin C can help improve your skin, as well as how easy it can be to add it into our daily routine, keep on reading…

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Amy CardPure Emporium
Healing Your Skin Naturally

Have you got skin concerns that you’d like to get rid of?

Are you tired of trying endless products and medications?

Are you ready to achieve the clear and healthy skin you’ve been dreaming of?

If you’ve answered yes - keep reading…

Introducing HYPO21

Your answer to Healthy Skin.

HYPO21 is an AMAZING Skin Purifying Spray that is suitable for ALL skin types and ages. The key ingredient in this product is Pure HOCL and the HYPO21 Spray is the FIRST EVER cosmetically licensed Pure HOCL skincare product.

It’s organic, vegan, sustainable, unisex, cruelty free and made using all natural ingredients.

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Amy CardPure Emporium
Removing Skin Pigmentation - The Journey...

kin pigmentation - Those darker patches that just seem to appear out of no where. Most of us have probably experienced these, maybe even more than once. These patches are a result of damage to the skin, which can been caused by the sun, or natural changes in hormones or ageing. They can appear after taking certain medication. Pigment is very common and often completely harmless.

What is Skin Pigmentation/Sun Damage?

Skin Pigmentation, or as we call them “pigmented lesions”, are skin spots or growths that are caused by the melanin in your skin. Melanin is produced by the melanocyte cell in your skin, and it’s what gives your skin it’s pigment (colour).

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Amy CardPure Emporium
Party Season Essentials!

Get Party-Season Ready With Us.

The Festive Season is well and truly upon us. Events, Parties & Works-do’s are all taking place. So, now is the perfect time to get glammed up and looking your best. It’s a wonderful time of year and it’s a great chance for us to let our hair down and just enjoy the moment. With family, friends and colleagues all wanting to celebrate, let’s get you party ready. - But, it’s not just about what we do on the day of the event, we have to be prepared…

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Amy CardPure Emporium
Your Guide To Glowing Skin This Winter

Glowing skin is in and we all want it.

Skin that looks luminous, fresh and rejuvenated. - Who would say no to that?

It can be hard to achieve the glowing look, especially in the winter. And as the cold weather arrives, our skin can go through many changes. Turning dull and dry is just one of them. - But… not anymore!

At Pure Emporium, we have got a simple solution. A solution that will turn your dull skin, bright and have your skin feeling and looking happy and healthy again.

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Amy CardPure Emporium